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清水苑大洞位于贵州省惠水县摆金镇,遗址发现于1998年9月,因发现丰富石制品、骨制品、灰烬层和哺乳动物化石等遗物而为学术界所关注。2013年9至11月,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所和贵州省文物考古研究所联合对清水苑大洞进行考古发掘,发掘区分A、B两区,揭露面积分别为4 m~2和6 m~2。A区揭露地层厚度约90cm,堆积物为灰白-灰黄色-灰黑色砂质黏土,共出土石制品2398件、动物化石及碎骨2000余件。石制品组合以小型石片工业为体,类型包括石核、石器、各类废片、石锤、磨石等,此外还有5件砸击品。石制品原料大多取自围岩内的燧石,剥片以硬锤锤击法为主,石制品以小型居多;刮削器为石器的主要类型,另有少量凹缺器;石器修理多以锤击法向片状毛坯的背面修理为主。~(14)C测年显示遗址形成于距今约11-14 ka BP,为旧-新石器时代过渡期。该遗址的发掘和研究对于探讨更新世末期古人类在贵州中部低海拔地区的适应生存方式具有重要意义。  相似文献   
喀斯特土壤固氮微生物群落与植被、土壤的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘璐  何寻阳  杜虎  王克林 《生态学报》2017,37(12):4037-4044
固氮微生物作为土壤中重要的功能微生物群之一,其与地上植物群落、土壤环境之间的关系尚不清楚。在桂西北的环江县、都安县和大化县选取喀斯特典型植被类型(草丛、灌丛、次生林)建立样方,通过植被调查、测定土壤理化性质和构建克隆文库的方法,研究了土壤固氮微生物群落的结构与组成,分析了固氮微生物群落与植物群落、土壤理化性质之间的关系。结果表明:研究区典型植被类型土壤中的优势固氮微生物为慢生根瘤菌。Mantel相关性分析表明植物群落与固氮微生物群落显著相关(r=0.6116,P=0.011);结合PCo A分析和Venn图可看出,植物群落组成与结构越相似,土壤固氮微生物群落结构与组成也越相似。CCA分析前两轴的解释率之和仅为22.72%,其中总氮、有效态钾、有效态钙对固氮微生物群落的影响显著,这表明本研究涵盖的土壤理化性质指标并不能完全解释固氮微生物群落的变异,需要补充更多的土壤数据进行更深入的研究。由此可见,在喀斯特生态恢复过程中,不仅要关注地上植被群落的恢复与重建,同时也应重视地下功能微生物群落的恢复与重建。  相似文献   
喀斯特石漠化已成为制约我国西南地区社会经济可持续发展最严重的生态地质环境问题,其恢复重建已成为我国社会经济建设中一项重要内容。土壤有机碳作为土壤质量评价的重要指标,可以综合反映土地生产力、环境健康功能,另一方面土壤有机碳也间接影响了陆地生物碳库,是陆地生态系统碳平衡的主要因子,它的转化和积累变化直接影响全球碳循环动态,已成为生态科学领域研究的热点之一。系统的总结了西南喀斯特石漠化地区不同土地覆被/土地利用、不同等级石漠化环境土壤有机碳的空间和季节分布特征。结合前人研究成果,进一步分析了影响喀斯特石漠化地区土壤有机碳分布的自然(气候、地形与土壤性质、植被等)和人为(土地覆被/土地利用变化、农业管理措施等)各因素,并提出增加喀斯特石漠化地区土壤有机碳含量的对策。研究结果为喀斯特石漠化退化生态系统恢复重建、石漠化地区土壤综合利用、增加碳截存应对全球碳循环减源增汇等提供了重要的科学参考。  相似文献   
蚬木(Excentrodendron hsienmu)是广泛分布于桂西南喀斯特山地的优良用材树种,了解影响蚬木群落物种分布的主要环境因子,对蚬木资源的有效保护具有重要意义。该研究基于桂西南蚬木群落的样地调查,测定了样地中乔木树种的重要值以及海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤养分等8个环境因子,采用Pearson相关分析研究了地形与土壤等环境因子间的相互关系,运用典范对应分析(CCA)方法对群落主要树种与环境因子间的关系进行了排序。结果表明:调查共记录到胸径≥1.0 cm、树高≥1.5 m的立木共176种,隶属于50科128属;群落乔木层以蚬木占绝对优势,主要伴生种有广西澄广花(Orophea anceps)、金丝李(Garcinia paucinervis)、割舌树(Walsura robusta)、苹婆(Sterculia nobilis)。相关分析显示海拔与土壤有机质、全氮间呈极显著正相关;除土壤pH之外,其余土壤肥力因子间均呈极显著正相关。CCA分析显示全钾、全磷对群落优势种的分布影响最为显著,坡向、坡度对优势种分布也具有重要作用。该研究结果揭示了影响蚬木群落物种分布的主要环境因子,为该区域的植被恢复措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
研究垂直结构(树冠指数、大树比例、小树比例和树高)及密度因素(基面积、乔木密度、灌木密度、灌木盖度和蚬木比例)对桂西南喀斯特山地典型蚬木种群天然更新的影响.结果表明: 群落平均更新密度为1742~3861株·hm-2,密度相对较低.垂直结构和密度因素对蚬木幼龄植株个体数影响不显著,对地径和株高生长有一定影响.在垂直结构变量中,树冠指数与蚬木幼苗株高呈显著负相关,与幼苗地径的相关性不显著;大树比例和树高与幼苗的地径和株高均呈显著负相关,小树比例与幼苗地径和株高呈显著正相关.在密度变量中,乔木密度与幼苗地径、株高呈显著正相关;蚬木比例与幼苗地径呈显著负相关.多元回归分析显示,林分结构因子与蚬木幼龄植株个体数的拟合较差(P>0.05),蚬木幼苗的数量分布在一定程度上受到垂直结构的综合影响;林分结构因子模型对蚬木幼苗地径和株高的拟合较好(P<0.01),幼苗地径生长主要受乔木密度影响,株高生长主要受乔木密度和基面积的共同影响.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the molecular phylogenetic divergence and historical biogeography of cave crickets belonging to the genus Troglophilus (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) from caves in eastern Mediterranean and Anatolia regions. Three mitochondrial DNA genes (COI, 12S rDNA, and 16S rDNA) and two nuclear ones (18S rDNA and 28S rDNA) were amplified and partially sequenced to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among most of the known Troglophilus species. Results showed a well‐resolved phylogeny with three main clades representing the Balkan, the Anatolian, and the Cycladian–Cretan lineages. Based on Bayesian analyses, we applied a relaxed molecular clock model to estimate the divergence times between these three lineages. Dating estimates indicate that radiation of the ingroup might have been triggered by the opening of the Mid‐Aegean trench, while the uplift of the Anatolian Plateau in Turkey and the changes of relief, emergence, and disappearance of orographic and hydrographical barriers in the Balkan Peninsula are potential paleogeographic events responsible for the initial diversification of the genus Troglophilus. A possible biogeographic scenario, reconstructed using S‐DIVA with RASP software, suggested that the current distribution of Troglophilus species can be explained by a combination of both dispersal and vicariance events that occurred in particular in the ancestral populations. The radiation of Troglophilus species likely started from the Aegean and proceeded eastward to Anatolia and westward to the Balkan region. Results are additionally compared to those available for Dolichopoda, the only other representative genus of Rhaphidophoridae present in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   
Comparing with other regions, Asia is mostly dominated by the monsoon climate and tropical plants can be found at the furthest places away from the equator. Understanding the role of monsoon in the dispersal and evolution of tropical plants is helpful for exploring the distribution patterns of vegetation and mechanisms underlying the origin and maintenance of biodiversity in Asia. In summer, there are three types of monsoon in Asia, i.e. East Asia Monsoon, South Asia Monsoon, North-west Pacific Ocean Monsoon. The summer monsoon climate in Asia originated at about 40 Ma, when the early angiosperm evolved and started its diversification in Southeast Asia and South China. It suggested that the monsoon may facilitate the quick speciation and spread of early angiosperm. Monsoon climate facilitates the northward spread of Asia’s tropical plants and some tropical plants can be found even at Yarlung Zangbo River and the boundaries of Guizhou-Guangxi-Yunnan. Such effetcs largely change distribution patterns of zonal vegetation and even causes local vegetation types in some places with unusual topography such as tropical seasonal rainforests, monsoon rainforests, savanna and grassland along dry-hot valley in Southwest China, coastal savanna in West Hainan Island. The three summer monsoons interact at Southwest China and Indo-China Peninsula and these regions are dominated by limestone landscapes and high mountains with big rivers. Some Asia-endemic tropical taxa even formed a diversification and endemism center at this region, which may be a reason for the formation and maintenance of Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots with global warming, the monsoon may further promote the northward spread of tropical plants and may have fundamental effects on biodiversity and flora evolution in South China.  相似文献   
The opening of the Deux-Ouvertures cave is on the left bank of the Ardèche River, just before the canyon exit on the land of the village of Saint-Martin d’Ardèche in the Southwest of France. Although it has been known since 1896, the deep part of one of the galleries was not discovered until 1985. The surface of this gallery was covered by animal bones, 90% of which belonged to Ursus spelaeus. In 2007, two osseous human fragments were discovered: the distal part of an adult humerus and the diaphysis of a radius belonging to a young individual. These two specimens are the topic of the present paper. Although the date of the humerus (34,440–33,730 cal BP) corresponds to the period when bears frequented the caves, the dates of the diaphysis of the radius (4410–4570 cal BP), found at the heart of the “decorated Paleolithic sector”, lead us to assume that it was transported there, perhaps deliberately. The study of the two human bones originating in the Deux-Ouvertures cave illustrates that the diaphysis of the radius, belonging to a young individual of the Neolithic period, does not exhibit any differences in comparison to modern radii. By contrast, the distal part of the adult humerus, although it is incomplete and altered, is the first example that has been dated in the Ardèche of adult human remains associated with a decorated Paleolithic cave. This specimen, aside perhaps from the width of its median column, is rather slender and does not present any significant difference in relation to other upper Paleolithic humeri.  相似文献   
喀斯特植物群落果实类型和种子散布特征的研究, 对于理解喀斯特植物群落更新与拓展特征, 进而揭示喀斯特石漠化地区恢复植被的自然扩展机制及制定植被恢复规划具有重要意义。该研究以石林地质公园不同群落类型为对象, 研究不同群落的果实类型谱与种子散布谱, 以揭示果实类型与种子散布方式对恢复植被的影响。采用石林地质公园不同群落各1 hm 2样地记名计数法调查的维管束物种名录, 依据Flora of China对物种果实的描述确定其果实类型; 根据文献、数据库以及果实、种子形态性状确定种子散布方式。结果表明: (1)石林地质公园282种维管束植物共16种果实类型(含孢子), 其中瘦果、蒴果、浆果和核果的物种比例均大于10%。木本植物、草本植物、藤本植物的优势果实类型分别为核果、瘦果和浆果。石林地质公园各群落的木本植物、草本植物和藤本植物的果实类型谱差异不显著。在原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和人工辅助云南松林不同群落中, 浆果和核果的物种比例减少, 瘦果、颖果和蒴果的物种比例增加。(2)石林地质公园植物种子以动物传播为主, 其次为风传播。在原生林、次生林、灌丛、灌草丛和人工辅助云南松林不同群落中, 风传播的物种比例增加了73%-87%, 动物传播(包括鸟类传播)减少了31%-36%。(3)物种的种子散布方式直接影响到植被恢复物种和恢复策略的选择。基于恢复目标, 选择自然传播能力强的乡土物种或地带性植被关键种, 辅以传播廊道, 有助于喀斯特的植被恢复。  相似文献   
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